I find cross-platform and (mostly) open-source software meets nearly all of my needs these days. On a new computer I install at least:
- LibreOffice
- Firefox
- AdBlock Plus
- Clean Links
- XMarks
- Thunderbird
- Lightning (calendaring)
- Provider for Google Calendar (google cloud calendars)
- Google Tasks sync (google cloud task list)
- Lookout (read MS email attachments)
- Enigmail (encryption/signatures)
- Skype
- Software Development
- Gcc ARM Cross Compiler (ubuntu ppa is here)
- Java SDK + Netbeans
- Better Swing Application Framework
- Fluidon (Java FX SceneBuilder integration)
- Gson
- Matisse (Swing GUI builder)
- Plugins: CVS, C++, GdbServer
- Primefaces
- Em::Blocks (windows only)
- ProjectLibre (like MS Project)
- Hardware Development
- Eagle and/or Kicad
- GerbV (linux) or Graphicode Prevue (windows)
- LT Spice (windows/wine)
- Adobe Reader
- Gimp (bitmap graphics)
- InkScape (vector graphics)
- eDrawings Viewer (solid modeling viewer – Windows/Mac only 🙁 )
- TeamViewer (remote control / family tech support)
For cross-platform embedded development I use gcc + NetBeans. On Windows I really like Em::Blocks.